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Football Information

The Oriole Park Falcons have been the leading youth football program on Chicago's northwest side for 34 years! We offer young athletes the chance to excel in the sport while encouraging the value of scholastics, sportsmanship and competition in a safe and structured environment. Our program is highly recommended by all of the local high schools, including Taft, Notre Dame, St. Pat's, DePaul College Prep and Loyola. If you take a look at the top football players at these schools, you will find an abundance of athletes that got their start as an Oriole Park Falcon! We have the experience and knowledge that no other program can offer! 

We will introduce your young athlete to the game, teach them the basic fundamentals and get them ready for high school football and beyond. As always, there are no tryouts or cuts. Everyone makes the team and everyone plays!

We have a proven safety record and all of our coaches are U.S.A. Football Certified. This ensures that every coach is thoroughly trained in the fundamental aspects of football safety, injury prevention and injury recognition. Using the latest "Heads Up Football" approved techniques, we have and will continue to be at the forefront in helping young athletes reach their full potential. 


 "The Oriole Park Falcon Football Program has been an incredible resource for Notre Dame College Prep Football. Oriole Park Falcons come to Notre Dame fundamentally sound and play the game the right way. Oriole Park Falcons are high character young men. Thank you, Oriole Park coaches past and present. We look forward every year to the next great generation of Falcons to become Dons!"  - Timothy Heneghan, Asst. Director of Enrollment, Notre Dame College Prep., Niles, IL.


Registration fee includes rental of the following for each player:

  • Certified Helmet
  • Chin strap
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Rib Protection
  • Home Game Jersey personalized with player's name
  • Away Game Jersey 
  • Practice Jersey
  • Mouth Guard 

In addition to the above, your athlete can look forward to using the latest practice equipment available to give them the competitive edge over every other youth football program out there!


"I can confidently say Nick would not be the athlete, teammate, student that he is today without his start as an OP Falcon." "I will always be thankful for the OPF program and for what it has done to positively influence my sons' lives!" - Joelle Thome, mom of former OP Falcons


"Switching to Falcons was the best decision we made for our kids. It truly is like a big family. Most importantly, the kids love it here. They know that all of their coaches genuinely care about them, not only in football and cheer, but for other sports, school work, and everything else going on in their lives. You won't find a better football/cheer program. ❤️ - Leah Ridge, mom of three, joined OPF in 2022


2025 Age-Based Divisions

DIVISION               AGE ON JULY 31ST

6U                                     5 OR 6
7U                                     6 OR 7
8U                                    7 OR 8
9U                                7, 8 OR 9
10U                               8, 9 OR 10
11U                             9, 10 OR 11
12U                            10, 11 OR 12
13U                            11, 12 OR 13