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What team/level will my child be on?
Football: Team assignments are based on player's age (as of July 31st). To view the current levels of football we offer, please click on the Falcon Football link located on the left-hand side of this page.

Cheer: Participants are assigned to a squad based on age (as of July 31st). To view the current levels of cheer we offer, please click on the Falcon Cheer link located on the left-hand side of this page.

Will my child be required to try out for the team or cheer squad? There are no tryouts or cuts. Everyone who signs up makes the team or squad and everyone plays or cheers on game days. No prior experience is needed to join and be a part of our outstanding youth football and cheer program!

What uniform/equipment pieces will my child receive?
Football: All players will receive a top-rated, certified helmet with chin strap, shoulder pads, rib protection, practice jersey, home and away game jersey, and mouth guard. Players will need to provide their own practice pants, football cleats (rubber sole and non-detachable), and a supporter and cup

Cheer: Participants will receive a cheer skirt and top, and additional accessories for use during sideline and competition cheer. 

All fees must be paid in full in order to receive any uniform or equipment pieces. This applies to both football and cheerleading.

When does the season start?
Football practice (all levels): Friday, August 1st, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Oriole Park.

Cheer practice (all levels): Friday, August 1st, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Oriole Park.

When is the first game?
To Be Announced. Game days are either Saturday or Sunday. Game schedule will be handed out mid to late August.

How often is practice?
Football: Practice is held Monday through Friday for 2 hours an evening, up to Labor Day (10 hours max). After Labor Day, practice will be scaled back to three days a week, (coach's choice).  

Cheer: Practice is held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Starting in September, practice days and times may vary, depending on practice location. Outdoor practice is held at Oriole Park. Indoor practice locations including Oriole Park field house, Taft Freshman Academy and Cheer Destiny.   

When does the season end?
Football: Our regular season ends mid October. Depending on your child's level of play and their team's win/loss record at the end of the regular season, they may be eligible to move on to playoffs, which start mid October. Conference championship games will be in late October. National or other post-season competition eligibility for teams will be based on both their regular season and playoff records. 

Cheer: All squads will compete in a regional event, with
 the possibility of moving on to National competition if their squad is eligible and qualifies. National competition will be held in December in Tampa, Florida. 

Any changes to the above will be posted on a timely basis.